Wednesday, March 30, 2011

WSU...For Now

    Truth is WSU was my last resort.  Growing up my dream was to play college basketball and after my junior year in high school it was looking like this dream would come true.  I had scholarship offers from division two, and even a couple division one schools.  My dream was coming true, my senior year was here and I had decided between a couple of schools, but Wright State was not one of them.  After my senior season, things between me and the coaches of the schools did not go over well and everything fell through.  Leaving my dreams crushed and me frantically trying to find a place where I could further my education.
    My decision to go to Wright State was one that was made at the very last second, but it turned out to be a great choice.  I live in a very small town known as Tipp City.  One of the main reasons I am attending WSU is because it is very close to where I live, only a 25 minute commute down I75.  Another reason is because college is about living it up and I want to create memories, that fact that a lot of my close friends decided to go here as well, made the decision a hands down, no brainer.    Finally, and probably everyones top decision maker, the price of the education, for the quality was second to none, as far as the college of Business is concerned.

    The dream of playing college ball has not gone anywhere, I am still hoping to play, talking to new schools and opening up new lines of communication.  Only time will tell if I remain a Raider, or I become a member of another school completing degree, and completing my basketball dreams.  A lesson I am learning is do not let your dreams stay dreams, do everything you can to make them become reality.