Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Book Saved

If the we now lived in a post-apocalyptic world had just ended and all the books were destroyed, my first reaction would be excitement no more book reports!  I know however, that some people would be upset because they love to read, and would be devistated.  If I had to save one book for future generations though, I would probably save the first Harry Potter book, "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone".  This is the first book in the Harry Potter series, so therefore it is the start to best selling book series in history.  It started a worldwide craze, and jetted J.K. Rowling to one of the most known authors in the world today.  Harry Potter, and his lightning scar, have become one of the most recognized characters, and symbols anywhere in the world.  There has even been a movie created for each book, and now the Harry Potter series is worth just about $17 billion worldwide.  As you can see this book is popular and is the book, and series, of our generation, and thus would be the ideal book to save.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Favorite Movie

This weeks blog is supposed to be about your favorite movie, but just like most people it's hard to just pick one.  So my top three favorite movies are "The Dark Knight", "The Hangover", and "Coach Carter".  They are movies from a different genre, "The Dark Knight" is an action packed kind of movie, "The Hangover" is a comedy movie, and "Coach Carter" is basketball movie.  To start with "The Dark Knight" features Christian Bale as the caped crusader, batman.  His enemy for this movie is the Joker, played by the late Heath Ledger, who did an outstanding job, his joker to me is far better than the original played by Jack Nicholson.  Made in 2008, it was directed by Christopher Nolan.  It appears to me because it has action and a great plot, the acting in it also was excellent.  The next movie is "The Hangover", an instant classic in the comedy genre.  "The Hangover" is a movie I am sure every college kid has seen, a bachelor party gone haywire, only to wake up and have no idea what happened the night before.  They get into all kinds of trouble and surprises and laughter are present throughout the whole movie. Overall I love movies, and it just isn't fair to pick one when there are so many that can be listed.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Technology Driven

The world today can not operate without the use of technology plain and simple.  Everyday we use more technology then we even realize.  It is every aspect of our everyday life, from the alarm clock that wakes us up, to the shower that we take, all the way down to the shoes we put on everyday and don't even think about it.  Those are some of the technology advances that aren't electronic, but electronic advances have far and away had the biggest leaps and bounds.  Although all of the advancements in technology have been abused.  There are people in the world who take the inventions and use them for evil purposes, like people who hack accounts and get bank information and credit card information using a computer, heck now they can even do it with a smart phone.  There has also been major technology advances in medical field, which makes them able to do more than they have been able to do in the last 100 years.  They don't have it all figured out, but with what they do know they have saved many lives and to me any time you can save at least one life its all worth it.  With all that said the future is waiting to be written who knows what will be created tomorrow.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

NBA Powerhouses

The NBA lately has been going through some major change.  It has evolved from its prime glory days, when Michael Jordan, Larry Bird, and Magic Johnson played, to a free for all of young kids that are fresh out of high school.  Don't get me wrong I love the game of basketball just the way it is; I love the fast pace, high flying, and lightning quick cross overs just as much as any other basketball buff, but what I am here to write about is the way the game is being managed.  Teams are trying to get the best NBA players on one team, and its happening all over the country.  The first team was the Boston Celtics, acquiring three great players, old but still very competitive in Ray Allan, Paul Pierce, and Kevin Garnett.  They worked well as a team which is why they were successful. The current big all-star studded team is the Miami Heat, gathering three of the greatest players at their positions who are still currently in their prime, Lebron James, Dwayne Wade, and Chris Bosh.  They have had their struggles this season, trying to find who the go to guy is late in the game, but just in time they have found their rotation and are actually beating the Boston Celtics in the playoffs.  The other major team that is planning on making a move that would give them a major hand on any team in the NBA is the LA Lakers.  Currently they have arguably the best player in the world, Kobe Bryant, and the second best center, Pau Gasol.  They were swept by the Dallas Mavericks in the playoffs, but they are getting ready to set themselves up for a major run next season by trying to acquire the best center in the NBA, Dwight Howard, which would give them the best player in the NBA, and the two best big men.  You never know how the team will mesh until they start to play but this could prove to be a terrible move making a teams season not up to expectations.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011


"The dream to kill me will never be completed"- Osama Bin Laden.  I agree with America's reaction to Bin Laden being killed.  Someone that is that evil and willing to kill civilians at the drop of a hat has no right to live freely.  I am not going to say he has no right to live because everyone deserves the right, but it's the choices that he made killing honest people and starting a war then running from something he started makes it hard for me to feel sympathy for anyone.  I just don't understand how anyone could morn over his death knowing what he has done, 9/11 is the greatest American tragedy of our generation and it was drawn by him and he was the mastermind behind the whole thing. He was the worlds number one most wanted terrorist, sure he has followers that could possibly try to continue his teachings, but the US is ready we know this and are prepared.  I just don't have any remorse for someone who can kill thousands of people and not feel bad about it.