Tuesday, April 12, 2011

No more TV

Do I think that if every television set in America was unplugged that children would grow up to be more educated, healthier, and more independent? YES!  People spend so much time waisting away in front of the tv now-a-days.  They sit on the couch and play PS7 and XBOX 750, or whatever it is now, when it is 85 and sunny outside.  If given the option of playing Halo or playing a pick up game of basketball, there is not an ounce of hesitation when I say, basketball all the way.  I am a big fan of being outside, doing all kinds of things, playing sports, swimming, or even just taking a walk.  Being outside, and being active will without a doubt make children healthier, even if they do not eat right, they are exercising and getting fit.  It will make them more independent because they would find ways to entertain themselves without waiting on a game to load.  Say a child is interested in baseball, he can go outside and throw, or get a game going, the feeling of actually winning a game in real life as opposed to a video game is uncomparable.  Heck even if a child's thing is role play games like dragons, or cowboys and indians, people get together and re-enact things all the time.  Just get outside and do something, and just be active!  Plus, lets be honest, most girls like a guy who can catch a pass in football, or make a jump shot in basketball, more than someone who can beat level 15 on Halo.

1 comment:

  1. You make some valid points about people spending too much time sitting in front of the TV. I agree. We do need to get outside more. Good blog.
