Wednesday, April 27, 2011


Facebook has quickly become the worlds most popular, not only social networking site, but also the worlds most visited website plain and simple.  I am a Facebook user because it is how people communicate in todays world, heck I even began my girlfriend because of Facebook, not something I want to tell people, it doesn't quite have the romantic flair as meeting her because I saved her from a burning building or something.  It is just a way to keep up with your friends news, and see what activities are going on in the world, events that won't be read in the newspaper or watched on CNN.  I however, am not the kind that is addicted to Facebook, I prefer the old fashion face to face kind of stuff.  People are on the computer way to much, the majority of the time is spent of Facebook stalking people, and getting in peoples business.  I have 491 friends, and I know every single one of them.  I am not the kind of person that doesn't care what people think, especially the people who accept everyone that asks to be their friend, to try and be cool.  WHAT IS THE POINT OF HAVING 2000 FRIENDS IF YOU ONLY KNOW 200 OF THEM!!!! It just doesn't make any sense to me.  I think it is fair for employers to look at the Facebook of people they want to hire because it shows the true side of them that might now have come across in the interview.  People are good about covering up secrets, and putting up a front in the interview and you don't really know who you are hiring.  It allows employers to see the real person they are hiring, and possibly prevent from hiring.  As far as big networking creating a page to get viewers I don't see how it is a problem, it's just like an up and coming music person trying to promote themselves and getting some listeners, viewers, or followers.  If something is big enough to create a high-grossing movie, "The Social Network", you know that it is a major deal.

1 comment:

  1. I liked your point about having too many friends. It seems so easy to get riled up in everyone's business without even really knowing them in the real world.
